Gigantic Scarecrow figure inspires visitors at Dokomi

Innovative eye-catcher
As part of “DoKomi” 2022 in Düsseldorf, we had the privilege of bringing the main character Scarecrow from the manga “The Secret of Scarecrow” to life for our customer Altraverse.

Customer: Altraverse

Über das Projekt

1500 x 1300 x 2800 mm

approx. 65 kg

Project duration:
approx. 3 months

Print time:
21 days

Over a period of three months, a crowd-puller was created with impressive dimensions of 1500 x 1300 x 2800 mm and a weight of around 65 kg. Thanks to its impressive size and attention to detail, it became the perfect selfie partner for visitors to the trade fair.

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3D-gedrucktes Messe-Exponat. Sitzbank in künstlerischer Optik aus dem 3D-Druck. 3D-Druck in Übergröße Creative Polymer.



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