In full splendor - A column sculpture 6 meters high

Monumental elegance in XXL
A monumental XXL replica of an exquisite work of art from our customer's private collection now impressively adorns the entrance area of the new company headquarters.

Customer: private customer

Über das Projekt

420 cm

125 kg

Project time:
8 weeks

Print time:
17 days

Based on a meticulous 3D scan of the original, the model was precisely prepared for printing and designed in a modular design. The cleverly integrated spring-groove connections ensure effortless assembly and exceptional stability.

Production in record time

Our large-format 3D printers produced the individual segments at record speed, with post-processing of each part immediately after completion. After professionally gluing and filling the seams, the work of art received its final, gold-colored coat of paint.

A tailor-made packaging solution was designed for transport to bring the masterpiece safely to its destination — a brilliant achievement in the truest sense of the word.

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3D-gedrucktes Messe-Exponat. Sitzbank in künstlerischer Optik aus dem 3D-Druck. 3D-Druck in Übergröße Creative Polymer.



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