
Attention generates sales

How guerrilla marketing supports your presence and strengthens your brand's effectiveness.

Aufmerksamkeit, Aufmerksamkeit, Aufmerksamkeit!

Ob auf einer Messe, vor einem Ladenlokal, in einem Freizeitpark oder auf einem  Event: Die Aufmerksamkeit möglicher Kunden und Besucher zu gewinnen, ist unerlässlich für einen erfolgreichen Salesprozess oder ein wirkungsvolles Brandmarketing. Ohne Aufmerksamkeit wird das beste Produkt nicht verkauft.

But how do you generate attention?

In a world where visitors and customers are overwhelmed by advertising messages, screens and posters, it is not easy to stand out from the crowd. Interesting videos or cool advertising slogans, presented on 2D posters, can be found everywhere and are becoming increasingly less effective in the fight for attention. We've learned to ignore such things.

Large objects such as figures or sculptures are more difficult to ignore and therefore much more suitable for attracting the attention of potential customers.

As three-dimensional objects in the real world, well-designed figures are true magnets for human attention. They are touchable, tactile and perceptible in ways that texts, images and videos are not. Through design, pose and painting, a variety of human emotions can be addressed.

Our services


3D model creation


Large format 3D printing


Assembly & painting

Project process
The figure “Scarecrow” printed by us received a lot of attention at the Dokomi trade fair

What our customers say

Size matters

However, in order for characters to actually develop their attractive effect on visitors and retain their attention, they must first be noticed. Size is important here. A figure should be easy to see from a distance and stand out clearly from a crowd of people. This means that figures with a size of at least 2.5 m are recommended.

Characters as a shareable experience and memorable point of reference

However, figures not only attract attention, but also move visitors to come closer, represent an experience as a physical presence and invite interaction with lasting effects, for example in the form of selfies or photos. Who doesn't like to take a photo of an eye-catcher? These experiences are then shared with the world personally or via social media. As a result, customers can become fans who share and spread the brand. As a result, well-designed characters can create an enormous reach — an incomparable advantage for any brand marketing.

Figures and sculptures can also contribute directly to identity formation and brand building as memorable elements. Who doesn't remember a restaurant with a big octopus hanging on the wall, or the shopping center with the life-size dinosaur skeletons?

For a character to become an experience through their presence or something that is well remembered, it is important that they appear real and alive. In addition to a suitable pose, a high level of detail is particularly important. Specifically, 3D resolution (<1 mm) in particular is decisive for which structures and depths can be displayed naturally.

Size comparison of the semi-finished cola bottle with our employee Shreya Chaudhary

Clear advantage when manufacturing through 3D printing

In the conventional production of large figures, sculptures or sculptures, for example by styrofoam processing followed by lamination or wax modelling, such resolutions cannot be reproduced. 3D printing is a promising alternative here. However, previous printers do not offer sufficient space to print figures that can generate widespread attention due to their size, or do not offer a sufficient level of detail to appear lively and thus become a shareable experience.

Creative Polymer — A reliable partner

Creative Polymer has developed special large-format 3D printers for exactly this purpose to large figures with a high level of detail at attractive prices to be able to produce. The basis for 3D printing of figures is a digital 3D model. However, if they only have one picture or an idea of a character so far, that is no problem either. We offer the creation of 3D models from images or, on the basis of an idea, also gladly as a service. We also take care of a realistic and multi-faceted painting the printed figure. This makes us exactly the right partner for you in the fight for the attention of potential customers.

Creative Polymer – Ein verlässlicher Partner

Creative Polymer hat genau zu diesem Zweck spezielle großformatige 3D-Drucker entwickelt, um große Figuren mit hohem Detailgrad zu attraktiven Preisen fertigen zu können. Basis für den 3D-Druck von Figuren ist jeweils ein digitales 3D-Modell. Sollten sie jedoch bisher nur ein Bild oder eine Idee von einer Figur haben, ist das allerdings auch kein Problem. Wir bieten die Erstellung der 3D-Modelle aus Bildern oder auf Basis einer Idee auch gerne mit als Service an. Ebenso kümmern wir uns um eine realistische und facettenreiche Bemalung der gedruckten Figur. Damit sind wir genau für Sie der richtige Partner beim Kampf um ihre Aufmerksamkeit möglicher Kunden.

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3D-gedrucktes Messe-Exponat. Sitzbank in künstlerischer Optik aus dem 3D-Druck. 3D-Druck in Übergröße Creative Polymer.



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