Case Study

How does large format 3D printing work with Creative Polymer?

Large-format 3D printing & the FDM process have a symbiotic relationship - and that's a good thing!

Large-format 3D printing and the FDM process

Astrologers and psychics probably won't like our thesis, but from our point of view, one thing is obvious: The world of 3D printing has expanded our imagination and showed us that the future lies not only in stars, but also in layers of molten plastic. One fascinating process that is driving this plastic revolution is the so-called Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), which we also use for our large format 3D printing.

Large-format 3D printing has a bit of magic

To understand the process, let's imagine that we have a magic wand-like machine that sprays molten plastic instead of magic. This 3D magic wand is connected to a thin wire that is swirled through the air like a hot noodle. This noodle is made of plastic, more specifically PLA (polylactic acid/ polylactide), PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol) or ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), depending on which plastic magic we prefer. By the way: In Scrabble, the three are also worth gold.

But back to the topic: Since we have our magic wand and the magic plastic noodle, the real fun starts: The FDM process! The Machine Moves the Magic Wand on a Table That Is Below It Like a Patient Assistant The table is not only a passive observer, but also serves as a stage on which our three-dimensional magic takes place.

Our services


3D model creation


Large format 3D printing


Assembly & painting

Project process
Two of our homemade 3D printers

What our customers say

A little dexterity should not be missing

The art of FDM is The Right Temperature for Melting To find the plastic so that it Not too thin Is like an overheated chocolate, but also Not too viscous It's like a frozen milkshake. This is where the technical terms come into play: The extrusion temperature must be set precisely to ensure the optimum viscosity of the plastic. Choosing the right plastic material also plays a decisive role, because not all plastic is created for the big stage of 3D printing. Great material is the basic requirement for great results in large format 3D printing!

Another key aspect is the construction board on which our magic tricks take place. This must be heated to ensure that the first layer of plastic adheres and forms a solid foundation for subsequent layers. Adjusting the layer height also affects print quality and print speed, and all of this requires a certain amount of dexterity and patience.

The Process of Fused Deposition Modeling

All's well that ends well.

And voila, after waiting patiently and the buzzing of the machine, you have the self-printed masterpiece in your hands — a small or large piece of magic in plastic form. It is fascinating to see how reality emerges from an idea, a computer program and a pinch of plastic.

Whether for creative minds, tech-savvy hobbyists or those who simply like to try out new things — Fused Deposition Modeling is the magic wand that we could swing together. So what are you waiting for? Let's dive into the world of 3D printing together And bring our own large format plastic dreams to life!

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3D-gedrucktes Messe-Exponat. Sitzbank in künstlerischer Optik aus dem 3D-Druck. 3D-Druck in Übergröße Creative Polymer.



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